Pauntehah Poursaba couldn’t believe it when she received a phone call from the American Marketing Association last Friday letting her know the case competition team from Capilano University is a finalist in the American Marketing Association’s 39th International Collegiate Conference, in New Orleans, March 16 to 18, 2017.
“We did not think we had a chance of making it into the finals, especially with all the big schools that we were going up against,” the fourth-year student said. “We thought we’re such a small, little school from North Van going up against these massive schools in the United States and Canadian competitor BCIT, and this is just our second year doing this, too, so we thought there was absolutely no chance. – I actually Googled the guy’s name after he called me because I didn’t believe it, just to make sure.”
The Capilano University team will be among nine finalists to compete at the AMA conference, where they will present their case for attracting consumers ages 18 to 35 to eBay. CapU’s team bettered groups from colleges and universities with well-known business schools, including Carnegie Mellon University and will compete against teams from Texas State University, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Nevada, among others.
Students and their coach, School of Business instructor Andrea Eby, would be delighted to outline the incredible effort their team has poured into to this competition, on top of their regular classes, to place among the big leagues.
CapU received honourable mention from the American Marketing Association in 2016. You can get a taste for what the competition entails with this story about what students did last year.